Franklin Woods Association
Bloomfield Township, Michigan 48301
Oct 11, 2024
Dear Residents of Franklin Woods,
Attached are the meeting minutes and budget approved at last night's meeting of the Franklin Woods Association.
It was agreed to make the dues for the 2025-2026 fiscal year $200. This does not impact dues for the current fiscal year. Our year runs from July 1 until June 30.
We will award the snowplowing contract to Greg Leone. For those interested in getting a quote from him, here is his contact information:
Gregory Leone
Greg indicated that a straight driveway would be between $500 and $600 and $800-$900 for semi-circular driveways with a straight drive as well. Both include shoveling walkway.
Your Board for the coming year will be:
President Allen Wolf
Vice President Joe Kenty
Secretary Aaron Blatt
Treasurer Bruce Luria
Trustees Holly Drimby
Meta Francis
Mike Hoffman
Adam Sachs
Mark Picklo
Our thanks go out to Jeff Gunsberg and Susan Saxe who were term-limited for their active participation on the Board the past few years. Thank you to all the continuing Board members and our new Board Members.
As President, I have the privilege of appointing committee chairs.
I am announcing Paul Schultz as the chair for Landscape Committee. We owe a deep debt of gratitude to Otto Hugi who has chaired that effort for a generation.
I am appointing Adam Sachs to chair our Property Modification Committee.
Susan Saxe continues as chair of our Social Committee. (We will be continuing to have food trucks in 2025)
Mandy Garver will continue to handle welcome baskets (If you know of anyone who hasn't received a welcome basket, please let us know.)
If I have missed anything, please let me know.
Allen Wolf, President
Franklin Woods Association
Annual Meeting Minutes
October 10, 2024 7 PM
Attendees: Allen Wolf and Mandy Garver, Bruce Luria, Jason Hockstra, Jerry Kline, Betsy Matthews, Shelley Farkas, Mark Picklo, Ron Strote, Stefan and Maria Korcek, Fadl Badreddine, Dave and Meta Francis, Dirk Zuckmantel, Lynn Choudhury, Paul and Sue Schultz, Joe and Connie Kenty, Jeff and Jenica Gunsberg, Marc Whitefield, Bill Lautner, Dan Goodman, Steven Newman, PJ McAmis.
Call to Order 7:08 PM
Attendance and Quorum Report – With 21 member units in good standing represented, we met the conditions for a quorum. (18 units required for quorum)
Approval of Minutes from 2023 Annual Meeting—Minutes were approved by voice vote.
President’s Report – Allen Wolf
Allen reported on the notable increase in social activities. He thanks Susan and Andy Saxe for hosting a party this year and thanked David Hershkovic for organized monthly visits by food trucks. It was decided to pursue having monthly food trucks in 2025 from May through October.
The cost for snowplowing is spiralling. In 2022-2023, the cost was less than $2,000 to plow our roads. This past year it was $3,500. For 2024-5 it will be $5,000.
Although the Board would like to do upgrades to the the cul-de-sacs, there is no money in the budget to do so. The larger Priority garbage trucks have been doing damage to the islands.
We are constantly updating the neighborhood directory. Send any corrections to Allen Wolf
Reviving the revision of our subdivision Restrictions will be a priority for the coming year.
The proposed budget for 2024-2025 was approved including dues of $200. The membership considered two proposals—one to increase dues to $200 and one to increase dues to $250. While both passed, the proposal for $200 received more votes (16 in favor vs. 11 in favor for $250).
Concerns about potholes should be directed to the Public Works Dept of the Township.
A concern about the growth of weeds in the culvert area on the westside near Crestview was raised. Bruce will investigate and see if we can get our landscape company to handle.
Bill Lautner fell as he was entering the Church for the meeting. We promised to inform the Church of the hazard and indicated that we will not hold future meetings at this site.
Decision on Snowplowing Contractor- Bids ranged from $20,000 to $5,000. The contract will be awarded to Greg Leone at $5,000. He will charge indidivual property owners with a straight driveway between $500 and $600 and those with a straight and circular drive $800-$900.
President Allen Wolf
Vice President Joe Kenty
Secretary Aaron Blatt
Treasurer Bruce Luria
Holly Drimby
Meta Francis
Mike Hoffman
Adam Sachs
Mark Picklo
The outgoing members of the Board are thanked for their service. Jeff Gunsberg and Susan Saxe have served the maximum years they can and therefore were ineligible to be Trustees for the coming year. We welcome new Board members Mike Hoffman, Adam Sachs and Mark Picklo.
Other Issues:
Problems with the lighting and sprinkler system on the common property at the entrance was discussed. Residents were advised to contact Bruce or Allen if they notice any issues.
Q&A with Township Officials – Dani Walsh
Township Supervisor reviewed a number of items going on in the Township and took questions.
Input from nearly 3,000 people has been received regarding the Township’s strategic plan. A predominent theme is a desire for more green space. The first draft will be presented to the Board this coming Monday.
A major issue has been reviewing contracts with the various unions representing Township employees. The Township has conducted a wage survey to determine next steps in adjusting pay and benefits.
The Township has increased its police force from 62 to 67 members—the highest level since 2008. We have added 2 social workers as many calls for police are better handled with the assistance of a social worker. A program begun as a partnership of three communities has been adopted on a County-wide basis.
An antisemitic post by a Township Trustee has become an issue for the Township and it is expected to generate much public comment at the next Township Board meeting on Monday, October 14. Supervisor Walsh expressed dismay at the inappropriate conduct of this Board member as well as vandalism at the Jewish Federation Building and other offensive actions in surrounding communities. The acts of vandalism are being actively investigated by Township police and the FBI.
Supervisor Walsh encouraged residents to register their video cams with the Township so that they can be potentially used if necessary to investigate illegal activity in the community. (Homeowner would be contacted if an incident occurs where they want the homeowner to review their recordings.) Bloomfield Township has the lowest crime rate anywhere in the State.
A Township open house will be held this Sunday from 11 am until 3 pm.
Supervisor Walsh committed to investigating improper soil erosion practices at one of the construction sites on Franklin Road.
The meeting concluded at 8:34 pm
Submitted by:
Allen Wolf for Rob Moore
Association Meeting Minutes.